Check it Out
A New York Post headline called CNN The Most Busted Name in News.
As they say, “check it out.”
The Daily Caller published a litany of woe, calling it the network’s “month long nightmare.”
Project Veritas’s undercover sting reporter James O’Keefe managed to catch a CNN health and medical beat producer calling the network’s coverage of Trump “bullshit.” He still has his job. But three other CNN Journalists lost theirs. They were fired when a story about a Trump connection to a Russian investment fund was retracted.
Check it Out
The discredited “dossier” in the cartoon refers to a former British spy’s opposition research against candidate Trump. One of his more lurid claims was that Trump hired Russian prostitutes to perform a golden shower on a Moscow hotel bed previously occupied by Barack and Michelle Obama. BuzzFeed published the dossier and CNN was one of the first mainstream media outlets to report on the story.
Reality Show
Jeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic says this isn’t so much about fake news. It’s about a reality TV show starring Donald Trump. And it will lead to violence. Really.
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